The Scattering

Our church buildings are shut and for some congregations it will be some time before they can return. The “new normal” will involve social distancing, hand gel, no toilets… But wait a minute! The Early Church didn’t have any church buildings but they turned their world upside down for Jesus. How did they do it?

This is the third video in my series “Finding God in a Pandemic” and in it we start with the Day of Pentecost and Peter’s amazing sermon in Acts 2, and then move onto the life of Stephen in Acts 6, and look at what happened next. Be careful though, there’s a challenge for us all.

The Risk of Life

Our mortality, and the risks we take in living, are linked together. A risk taker, for example one of these young men who go “tombstoning” off a rocky arch located offshore in the popular English beauty spot of Durdle Door, will, most likely, discover what “mortality” means after it is too late. But someone who minimises life’s risks, for example, by only crossing a main road at a pedestrian crossing, will have to wait a bit longer before they cross the great divide.

I have put together a short video entitled, “The Risk of Life”, and uploaded it to YouTube. here’s the link if you have time to watch it. Comments and responses welcome.